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Interactive Table or Other Solution to Choose Data for Calculations

Hi All,

  I hope some more experienced DIAdem users can provide some suggestions for me here.  Basically I am having DIAdem run through many test specimens and calculate some values from each specimen.  The data for each specimen is then used to createta report which includes graphing and further calculations.

  I would like for something to pause the program right after the first group of calculations are completed and present the calculated values and specimen numbers in order for the operator to examine the preliminary calculations and determine whether that specimen should be used in the final report.  I am imagining a table with each row containing the specimen name, property1, property2, and a checkbox that says "ignore specimen".  The final calculations and reporting would only consider the specimens for which you have not checked the 'ignore' box.

  Any ideas on the best way to implement this?  Thanks in advance!

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Message 1 of 4

Hi GT_Mark,


Are you using a Script for this? If so, one possible way is having a loop going through each specimen and in each loop iteration present a message box to the user. You can present several options in the message box for the user to select. Depending on which option is selected (for example, OK or Ignore), you can choose whether to save the specimen test results to a channel. Then at the end, you can just write the data in that specific channel to the report. However, I'm not sure if there is a message box that will display a table. If you do want a table shown, I suppose a way to do that would be to write the data to the report, display the report, have a message box asking if the data is okay - if so, write the data to a channel, clear the report and repeat for the next specimen. Then at the end, again write all the good data to the report.

Humphrey H.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 4

Thanks, that sounds like it will work.  In some cases there could be upwards of 180 specimens so this will be tedious to go through 180+ message boxes or report generations, but it can work.


I'm going to wait a little before marking the thread as solved though, to see if anyone else has any other ideas.  Thanks for your input and it is the best solution I know of to date.

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Humphreyy,


The typical choice for custom forms for users to input information is the Scriptable User Dialog (SUD) in DIAdem.  You can construct the interface you described with a column names, etc., ending with a column of checkboxes, which will pop up after all 180 calculations have run through.  The user could then check/uncheck the items to proceed with to the final report.


Let us know if you need help with that,

Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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