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VLM 3.1 Restrict Number of Seats a User Can Have

Does anyone know how to restrict the number of DIAdem seats a user can simulataneously access through VLM3.1?  We have a couple of users who forget that they are already running DIAdem on their computer, so they open it a second (and sometimes a third) time.  This pulls an additional license for each instance that is running.  Instead of opening additional seats, I would like to have VLM3.1 throw an error message "Sorry, you already have the maximum number of licenses checked out to a single user."

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Chris,


Currently, I am not aware of a method to limit users/computers to only one license and send an error message when they try to access a second instance of DIAdem. I would send out a PSA to your users to let them know that by opening up a second instance of DIAdem, they are using two licenses. Hopefully if your users know about this they will make sure to not open a DIAdem twice. This may be a good issue to bring up with our support team if you want more ideas.


Michael B.

Applications Engineer

National Instruments 

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Michael,

Yep I had the some thought as you regarding the PSA.  Did that a couple times and saw that users were still forgetting that they already had instance(s) open...  Not sure if this would be a feature that ever gets added to the VLM, but if so, it would certainly be handy!




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