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Windows 10 / Diadem 11 Scale problem with graphs in report module

I have a problem with my graphs that are created via a script file. It looks like it revolves around the scale setting in windows 10. If you look at the attached files you can see the difference. With 250% (scale at 250 picture) everything is normal on the display screen except the graph lines. When I switch the windows 10 scaling to 100 (the other attached picture) you can see the graph lines are in the correct place but every thing else is to small to be useful. I think I have tried all of the setting I found on my search around the web but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

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Message 1 of 3

Hello jhorten,


I’m sorry, you work with DIAdem 11. DIAdem 11 was released in 2008 and was tested for Windows 2000, XP-Pro and VISTA. The first W10 version released in 2015. So, DIAdem 11 was not tested for W10 and doesn’t support it. It may work in most cases but there is no guaranty for that.

The first DIAdem version which support W10 is DIAdem 2015 SP1.




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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Walter, I saw the information about 2015 being the minimum version in the compatibility table. I was hoping maybe somebody had discovered a work around that was using an older version like we do.



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