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Y axis auto scale not working in DIAdem 11

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A few years ago I created a user dialog box for selecting and displaying channels in DIAdem view.

It worked fine for all DIAdem 10.X releases, but for DIAdem 11.X there is a problem with the y-axis scaling.

The channels are displayd as [n  Systems (Linear)]

In DIAdem 10.X the y-axis for each separate graph would be scaled automatically accoring to the min. and max. values of the displayed channel.

In DIAdem 11.X the y-axis for each graph is scaled from 55.0397 to 133.7655.... for all channels, no matter what the values are for the displayed channel.

When I click the "Zoom Off" button the scaling becomes correct.

What do I need to put in to my script to make the y-axis scale correctly?


Below is the code that is used to set the scaling (no scaling for Y axis is set):

    R1 = SelectedStartTime 'this is a variable defined earlier in the code
    R2 = SelectedEndTime 'this is a variable defined earlier in the code
    View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X1 = R1
    View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X2 = R2
    View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1).DisplayObj.XScaling = "RangeZoom"


I've tried adding this code, to no effect:

    View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1).DisplayObj.YScaling = "n systems [phys.]"
    View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1).DisplayObj.YScalingMode = "automatic"


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Message 1 of 4

I might also add, if I remove this line from the original code:


View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1).DisplayObj.XScaling = "RangeZoom"


The code works fine also in DIAdem 11.X (except that the X-scaling of course isn't assigned)


In other words, when the XScalin property is set it also affects the Y-axis scaling somehow.

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Message 2 of 4

I tried with Macro recording and Ctrl+A and the result was


Option Explicit  'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.
R1 = 30
R2 = 52
Call View.NewLayout()
View.Sheets("Sheet 1").Areas("Area : 1").DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"
Dim oMyDisplayObj
Set oMyDisplayObj = View.Sheets("Sheet 1").Areas("Area : 1").DisplayObj
oMyDisplayObj.Curves.Add "[1]/Time", "[1]/Speed"
oMyDisplayObj.YScalingMode  ="automatic"
oMyDisplayObj.Abscissa ="X-Cursor"
oMyDisplayObj.Ordinate ="Y-Cursor"
View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X1 = R1
View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X2 = R2
View.Sheets("Sheet 1").Areas("Area : 1").DisplayObj.XScalingMode = "RangeZoom"
WndShow "VIEW", ""


which seems to work fine. So there is only one difference to your code which is


instead of XScaling. Does changing this work with your code?


Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author salte

Thanks for you reply Andreas.

Your suggestion probably works well for DIAdem11.X, however I (preferrably) need solutions that work for both DIAdem 10.X and 11.X (so that the same script may be used for both versions).

In DIAdem 10.2 (which is the developer version I have) there doesn't appear to be any property called XScalingMode for CurveChart2D (only YScalingMode).


However, I did find something that worked for both versions, namely:


View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1).DisplayObj.ZoomCursor = "BandZoomCursor"


After setting this property (in addition to the code in my initial post) the graphs are scaled correctly (on both 10.X and 11.X).

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