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pdf export (output print data as graphic) quit working in DIAdem 2019

The other day I was doing a pdf export of a filled 3D graph and remembered that I had forgotten to toggle the "Output print data as graphic" setting on. I hit the escape key to abort the pdf export and now it seems stuck in the mode which acts like the 'output print data as graphic' is not enabled no matter how I set the report output settings.


I get nothing but a solid block of color in the pdf file where the 3D color plot should be. It looks fine on the screen.

If I load the data into my old version of DIAdem 2015 (which I keep around for scripting compatibility issues) it generates the pdf 3D color plot just fine.


I'm assuming something is wrong with the DIAdem 2019 pdf export print device, but DIAdem 2015 is not affected.


Anyone have a suggestion on how I can get the graphic pdf export working on DIAdem 2019 again?

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Hi Greg, 


Smells like your desktop.ddd file is got some bad settings it it. 


Can you backup the the current desktop.ddd to some other name, and then exit diadem and delete the desktop.ddd.


When you restart DIAdem is should build a new desktop.ddd file. Maybe your issue will go away!



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