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Dqmh module registered to its own broadcasts

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Thank you very much for your input. These forums is exactly how I've learnt labview. Thank you for your help.

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Message 21 of 24

You've got a desire to do things the right way and a willingness to learn.  That will take you very far.

Sam Taggart
CLA, CPI, CTD, LabVIEW Champion
DQMH Trusted Advisor
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Message 22 of 24

Hi Rafal_Kor,


Seems like Sam has helped you clarify the private request concept. Feel free to start new discussion threads with other questions that you might have. As you can see, there are others around here to help (and I am profoundly grateful for that). 


One more thing that I wanted to clarify regarding the enqueue vs sending a request to itself. In general, we recommend keeping the actions within an MHL case atomic. Avoid enqueing multiple cases, especially if your code cannot afford for anything to happen in between those cases. This is one of the reasons in DQMH 4.0 we got rid of the "Update Display" case, we were encouraging a bad practice. Something can get enqueued in between the MHL case acting on the data and the "Update Display" case.


If the contents of one case could be used in other cases, make that a subVI and call the subVI in the other cases as opposed to enqueing it. 


I hope this helps.





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Message 23 of 24

there might be cases where it makes sense for a module to listen to its own broadcast events (I can't think of one at the moment)


I am very new to DQMH, so I may be way off base, but what about this scenario -


I have a module where the front panel is shown to the user and therefore I want the module status indicator on the front panel to update each time I call Status Updated.vi.


Rather than update the module's status indicator with a local variable alongside each call to Status Updated.vi, or using bundle by name to update the status in the MHL Data cluster and then passing that new value to the front panel control somehow, I could update the module's status indicator by listening for the Status Updated broadcast and updating the indicator in the EHL with an event case named <My Module Broadcast Events.Status Updated>: User Event.



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Message 24 of 24