DQMH Consortium Toolkits Discussions

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Small Scripting Bug

I've encountered a small but annoying bug that happens during the New Event scripting. When a large, horizontally arranged cluster is added to the reply payload data, the resulting event scripting makes the placement of the reply payload constant go way off to the right but still within the case structure. Only way to get it back into view without moving tons of structures around, is to open the reply payload type def, find all instances, get to where that instance is highlighted, and press left arrow. Yes, a vertically arranged cluster might mitigate this, but I'd rather not modify legacy type defs to work around this.






Test Engineer at Moog Inc.

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Message 1 of 2

This bug has been reported to the DQMH Consortium as Issue #834. It should be relatively easy to fix. At this time I can't think of a workaround given the constraints you describe.

Message 2 of 2