DQMH Consortium Toolkits Discussions

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hide vi panel and show vi panel

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Hi all,


I'm just validating a DQMH module that was originally written (or last validated) at DQMH 5, with the new DQMH 6 tools.


The validator told me it couldnt find the "show vi panel.vi" and "hide vi panel.vi" vis in the project (these arent the API calls which dont include the "vi" in the name). So I duly let it "fix the issue". The tool did create those vis, but it didnt then do anything with them... is that expected? They're just sat unused in the library in the "private" directory.


Also - on a second scan it moaned at me because the vis it created weren't "re-entrant" and could/should be... 


As it is I dont need the show/hide code in my module as I'm implementing the MGI panel tools, but still thought I'd ask the question!





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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author psmorris

There have been a number of times over the past several years where DQMH validation tools assumed that standard module VIs were present, when in fact they were not, due to the fact that they didn't exist in older versions of DQMH.


So one of the validation tests in DQMH 6.0 will make sure that all known standard components of a DQMH module are present, in the event that future validation tools expect them to be there. It looks like it was an oversight that these VIs were created in (cloneable) modules without the proper reentrancy setting, but it looks like a secondary run of the validation tool will fix that.

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