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ALARM Meeting January 15, 2014 6:30 PM

The next ALARM meeting is at NI Training & AWR Offices, 363 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200, Louisville, CO 80027 on Wednesday, January 15, at 6:30 PM.  Please be sure to sign-up at: so NI is able to provide the appropriate amount of food and beverage.

Here is the lineup:

Jack Dunaway, Founder at Wirebird Labs LLC,, will present:

ET Phone Home: Application Metrics and Log Reporting from Deployed LabVIEW Applications
Equipping deployed applications with the ability to report information back to the developer tightens the feedback loop between application performance and application developers. We'll discuss the business benefits of connecting the customer with the product owner, and how to integrate LabVIEW APIs into any application to enable this interaction. Further, we'll take a look at security and ethics considerations, a few service providers for collecting and analyzing log information and performance metrics, while tossing in a healthy dose of design patterns for interacting with web services. As a case study, we'll examine actual source code from a production application used for internal business automation at Wirebird Labs LLC, and how this enables more sales and a better support experience.

Jeremy Weiss, of Mechanical Solutions, Inc.,, will present:

A Flexible, Scalable, and Maintainable Settings Dialog for All Your Applications

Abstract:  All LabVIEW applications require "settings" inputs from the user: channel settings, acquisition settings, file storage settings, analysis settings, display settings, etc.  As projects grow from single VI's into mature deployed software programs, the means by which the user modifies these settings often undergoes an unorganized and painful evolution.  In this presentation, we'll explore a "settings" dialog library that serves as a reusable starting point for any application.  It's modeled after the ubiquitous LabVIEW options or properties dialog, which users will recognize from editing libraries, classes, projects, targets, and LabVIEW's options, among other places.  There's a list of categories on the left with a subpanel on the right that loads a plugin based on which category is selected.  Topics covered include GUI development, splitters/panes, subpanels/plugins, and best practices for managing settings that are used throughout an application.

It should be a most interesting evening!

See you there!

Valerie Schlecht

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