Digital I/O

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Can I generate a 24kHz digital output signal using NI USB 6001?

Can I generate a 24kHz digital output signal using NI USB 6001? 

The manual states "All digital input and digital output updates and samples are software-timed"


I don't think I can write to the Digital Output port/line toggling between a 1 and 0 that fast.


Or is there another way to implement it?



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Message 1 of 4

Even if you could command it fast enough, it would not be an accurate clock since software is just horribly inaccurate when it comes to time.  You should look into something like the USB-6210 which will allow a generation from a counter.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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Message 2 of 4

Yes, the problem is that Windows is not suitable for real time programming. You have to use a device which either supports "on board programming" (i.e. can execute routines independent from the operating system) or has an on-board timer, i.e. can generate accurate frequencies/pulses/time intervals. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Thank You Two!

 I will probably purchase that.


With USB 6001, can I share the sample clock to acquire both analog and digital inputs at the same time? If so, How do I do that?

I have a task to acquire analog input from the 8 channles and uses the sample clock to continuosly acquire "n" samples at a specified rate.

How do I acquire digital input samples along with that at the same rate without using an external clock?

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Message 4 of 4