Digital I/O

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Maximum Time Exceeded Before Operation Completed



We generally use an data acqusition application built in labview 8.2. Recently we had a problem with our computer, it did not booted when started and made few beeps before stopping. The samething repeated again and again so we have replaced the RAM, checked for the power supply in the computer, formatted the hard drive and had a fresh OS (Windows XP SP3) installation.


Then we installed Labview 8.2, NiScope 3.5 required by our application and even collected data by using our application for few (10min) minutes......then it started missing some shots and eventually started displaying the error message: Maximum Time Exceeded Before Operation is Completed.


The next day when we had given a try again ......the computer did not even started keeps restarting automatically. We are NOT sure if that is a hardware (device) problem which is corrupting the operating system or the computer itself is going bad...or even anything...... 


Complete details:

PCI 6024E I/O Board

PCI 5122 12bit digitizer

SCB 68 Connector


HP xw 8000 Workstation

Windows XP Professional SP3

Labview 8.2

NiScope 3.5


Any suggestions regarding this issue will be of great help to us.......pls !!

Also let me know if the problem is not clear to anyone...








0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hi Vinay,


Thanks for posting. It sounds like there may be more than one issue present in your system. The hardware shouldn't cause that kind of behavior in your system. I would recommend double-checking that your hardware is inserted into the PCI slots properly and try switching slots to see if the computer will be able to boot properly then. Otherwise, try using your computer without your devices to see if it will boot properly then, or try the cards in a new PC to see if you see similar behavior.


As for the error that you are seeing, it is explained a little further in this KnowledgeBase Article and it contains a few general troubleshooting steps for the error. However, you said that you were seeing this error after the acquisition had been running for several minutes. I would suggest checking your computer's memory resources throughout your acquisition to see if there are any memory leaks that could be interfering with your program. Let me know what you find!



Joe S.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6




Thanks for the reply. We have tried acquiring data from another proper computer. But we are not getting any signal other than the noise floor and sometimes not even that. We suspect the PCI board is going bad, could you suggest us any other methods to test if the PCI board is working properly (could able to acquire all data). As I mentioned earlier, we are using this application to acquire data for almost 4 years from now (built in labview 8.2) and we had not made any changes to it. 


When I open MAX and right-click on the device and do a self-test, it says the device has passed self-test. Any suggestions on this will be of great help!!!!






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Message 3 of 6



I forgot to mention one more thing.......we have tried to acquire signal even using MAX ---> Devices ----> Test panels. But could not get any signal except noise.....and not even noise now, when I tried it again to post the screenshots here.





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

HI Vinay,


If you are only reading noise from your device, then it's possible there could be an issue with your hardware. Do you see the same behavior on both channels? I suggest using your device to read the output from a standard function generator or multifunction DAQ card if you have one available and try to read a sine wave or a constant DC value. I am not sure what you were attempting to read before, but if you test your device with a known signal then we may be able to better understand its behavior. Make sure to use the NI-Scope Soft Front Panel while testing.


If you attempt to read a known signal and still only see noise, then you may try using different cables to connect your signal. If you still can't seem to read your signal properly, you can always contact NI and arrange for your hardware to be sent in for repair. I hope this helps!



Joe S.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Joe,



Thanks for the reply. We already tried reading the signal using a signal generator and found that both the A/D board and I/O board is working fine. Still we could not read any signal continuously when we trigger our lidar manually or through our application. Ocassionally we the complete signal, sometimes only the noise floor and sometimes not even that......we now realized/suspect that could be a problem due to inappropriate trigger/reset of the clock in the application ....but we have not made any changes to the application yet, the only change we made is to use another computer with a fresh OS (Windows XP SP3) installation.


We had not changed any cable connected to the deivce and computer but we did checked it and found to be fine.





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Message 6 of 6