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NI USB-6211 for Microsoft Excel VBA

Hi! I am trying to make a program using Excel VBA to generate and acquire voltage using USB-6211. I prefer to use Excel VBA for quick analysis on the results like slope calculation. I hope anyone can help. Thank you very much.NIDAQ_USB-6211-removebg-preview.png

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There is a forum example that uses Excel VBA with DAQmx functions. This can be a good start to test with VBA. 


Using DAQmx with Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - NI Community


Another approach is to refer to the available shipping examples when you installed LabVIEW with DAQmx. 

From here, you need to change the code to make it VBA like from VB.NET syntax and also recontruct the interface to match it with the shipping example.


NI Technical Support

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