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Replacing software trigger with physical trigger

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I am new with control system so excuse me if this sound trivial.


Currently I am using a USB6001 running a Labview program with 4 radio buttons trigger 4 different set of codes for Analog Output to a servo motor.


I like to replace the 4 radio buttons with physical push bottoms or equivalent, and change the radio buttons to indicators.

I was reading the manual about PFI and the USB6001 only has two of them.  Does that mean I am maxed out with the ability to use 2 physical triggers? 

Can I use the digital Input for the same purposes?

And if there are other way to achieve this, please let me know. 


Thanks, Billy  


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Billy07

Hey Billy, welcome to the forums!


As far as triggering on the USB 6001, you're correct that there are only two lines that can be used to implement triggering, PFI0 and PFI1. That means that you will be limited to two physical triggers on this device.

Claire M.
Technical Support
National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 2 of 3

Thank you Claire!

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