Driver Development Kit (DDK)

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How to synchronize with MH DDK and MI products support on MH DDK?

I have an enduser using Schentific Linux6.2.

We have to use Linux environment, and trying MH DDK.


We have looked into many sources as you can see below.

However, we do not see the exammples of Hardware timed synchronization of AI using M/X series DAQ devices..

Is it not possible?? If thre is any good samples for reference, we all really appreciate it.



Also, once the devices turned out to be MI products, such as digitizers and DMMs, is it not possible to use the 

DDK ? With the digitizers, it is useless if it cannot use the synchronization  for the endusers..

Looking at the onlince sources, it seems like MH DDK does not even support the MI products. 


Is there any way to do the Register Level Programming with MH DDK for synchronization of NI-digitizers/ NI-DMM??



Thank you so much.

Best Regards,








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AI Example 6 in the X Series DDK shows how to share a reference clock between two X Series boards.  Share a reference clock, setting the same sample frequency, and starting at the same time will give you synchronized measurements on these two cards.


There is no DDK for the types of boards you mentioned. If you need this kind of support, I would recommend contacting your local field sales engineer to talk to them about your needs.



Steven T.

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