Dynamic Signal Acquisition

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How to save acquired data from USB 6009 into ASCII file with system date format (dd/mm/year HH:MM:SS.FFF) for each data point per segment

Hi, I am trying to process analog data acquired from a USB 6009 I/O device and save the resulting data into a text(Ascii) file (to create MatLab plot) , but I want to have the time stamps shown in system date format (dd/mm/year  HH:MM:SS.FFF) for each data point per segment. I have attached the file with the code that I have.

FYI: I am new to LabView, so the code I have might not be very efficient, so please feel free to make changes to the program as needed. I would also like some feedback related to time delay(if any), number of samples(how many) and sample rate(optimum sampling rate).


A few pieces of information about the incoming signal:

1- The frequency of data coming in is under 1 KHz (analog 0-5 V)

2- 3 different signals into 3 different channels on the same I/O card is being used to continuously collect and process data

3- Data will be collected for 30 Mins at a time


If I missed any piece of information please let me know. Thank you all in advance for solutions to my problem



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Hi Kumar,


I saw your other post on this as well, so I'll link it here for other people if they have the same question about how to format the time of your data when you save it.



As far as your VI, for using express VIs it is OK.  As you get more advanced we recommended moving to using the lower level DAQmx VIs since they are a lot more versatile and robust, but this is OK.  In order to use the modified export waveform to spreadsheet file I used for the community, you will have to convert your dynamic data into waveform data, using the Convert from Dynamic Data VI, and select 1D array of waveform, then have this output go into the Export Waveform to Spreadsheet File.vi.



Using the elapsed time express VI for 30 minutes should be fine.  There are many other ways to stop the program after 30 seconds, and this is one of them.




Eric S.
AE Specialist | Global Support
National Instruments
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