FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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How do I get a Replacement FRC NI software USB? ours is defective!!

Can anyone tell me who I have to talk to in order to get a replacement Labview installation USB? ours is defective. When we try to use it, it asks us to format it. Doesn't matter what PC, MAC, classmate we use. they all want us to format it. or it is not recognizable. 

Note: We can not order a new one through the first replacement parts because we had already submitted it before we had a chance to try to install the software!!!

We have no previous software, we are a rookie team.....

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Hey Camobot1,

Getting one through the replacement parts is the only way I know of to get a replacement USB. It may be possible to contact them and explain your situation to get the replacement.  Additionally to get started you can install the trial software as decribed in this post: . The issue with using the software downloads from there is that there is not currently a method to activate it so you are limited to the 30 day trial (we are trying to find a work around for this but I would still try and get a new USB from FIRST if possible).

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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