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LV Idea Exchange - show actual implementation of the completed ideas

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I just started to read through the completed ideas from the LV Idea Exchange recently. Many nice features I did not know about, even they were in front of my eyes! 😄 Like the quick option to turn any constant into an array (only from LV 2015)...


Anyway, I feel there is a problem with the completed posts of the Idea Exchange. Namely, when an idea gets completed in an actual version of LabVIEW, we do not get updated info about the final implementation. Correct me if I am wrong, but I could not find any part of the posts where I can see how that idea was actually implemented, and how I can access it from my latest LV version (I have LV2015).

One example:

I just cannot find this option in LabVIEW...


Of course, for the 95% of the ideas it is very obvious where to find the new feature. But not every time, and this is annoying...


EDIT: another confused user from 2010:

Actually I did not know about this feature til now! Now I tried to test this feature based on the Idea, but I could not make it work. Then I saw the above post about you need to use CTRL. Well, if this information was added to the Idea after status changed to "completed", I would have not got confused too 🙂


Message 1 of 5

I have found a good (and rare) example where the info about the final implementation do appear:


edit: sometimes in the posts below the Idea we can see the info about the final implementation, but most often not, just to be clear....


edit2: and yes, usually it is easy to google for the missing info:

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Blokk,


Thanks for the feedback! I'll reach out to our R&D team that manages the LabVIEW Idea Exchange to get them to weigh in on this.



Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Blokk

Hi Blokk,


I have updated the Idea Exchange posts you mentioned with more information. If you come across any others that are unclear, let me know and I can update those as well. And I will do my best to include more information about the feature implemention in future ideas that are moved to 'Complete'.

Message 4 of 5


You make a good point.

Darren and I often check each others' work... we'll try to make sure we include this information in the future when it isn't very similar to the idea as requested.

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Message 5 of 5