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Why cant we attach files to private messages or the Idea exchange

@Hooovahh wrote:


I'd specifically like to attach files on the dea exchange.  I haven't had a time when I wanted to attach something to a PM yet but I'm surprised to hear that isn't possible.

In the idea exchange, you can easily attach files to your ideas, just not to replies.


Similar to e-mail, attaching large files to PMs seems not useful and could escalate to users sending the same disfunctional project via PM to many top contributors instead of posting in the forum. We should enforce collaboration in the forum instead of 20 people trying to solve a problem that might already been solved by one of them.


I make it a strict rule not to answer techical question via PMs. It should not be done!


In the absence of attachments, there are plenty of other ways to share code that does not occupy space on the NI server. Look at Onedrive, Google drive, etc. They all allow sharing of links to large documents, enforcing deduplication. They also have the advantage that documents can be retracted at any time (e.g. if it turns out that there is an IP leak).


With attachments allowed, I can predict that Tim would be flooded with private "version conversion" request while all of them should remain in the dedicated board.


Besides, the PM system is still completely disfunctional because it does not do message threading. Any technical back and forth discussion would occupy a series of PM in the inbox and in the sent box and trying to navigate them for review is an exercise in futility.


My suggestion is to prioritize the feature of message treading and keep the inability to attach files. Attaching files is overrated.

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