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FP1000 and Python

Hello all,

Being new to instrumentation at the lab I am now at, I see a FP1000 controller with serial and network capability.  We would like to grab the data (thermocouples, etc from other modules) though either the serial or network interface and record it using a purely python program as the computer/application of this work prevents the power needed for labview.  (well, it's command line only!) I've searched around quite a bit and find lots about call python from labview, but what if there is no labview? Surely there is a white paper describing the communications with this device?


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Message 1 of 3

Here is a KnowledgeBase that describe how you can communicate with FieldPoint without using LabVIEW. You can use the information about formatting the URL and make DataSocket commands.

Stephanie A.
Americas Marketing Manager
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Did you have any success interfacing fieldpoint with python?  I am looking to do something similar

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