FieldPoint Family

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LV2012 and Fieldpoint

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I am using LabView 2012 (SP1), Max 5.5, Windows 7 (64 bit)  to update a file that uses a FieldPoint 1000 and 6 modules to get data. I have created a file, I can run it in my development system with no problem. I create an exe and run it in my system it wokrs ok no issues.


I create an installetion file to install the new exe in another PC that it will be runnin on. The system is the same model as my development system Windows 7, Max 5.5 with all the drivers installed. The installetion of the new exe file goes with no issues. Reboot the new PC and run the new exe file I get an error can not read the field point.


I have check MAX, it sees the FP-1000 and all its modules just fine, I run a read in one of the modules it is suscefull reading.

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Message 1 of 11

What does the error actually say?  Does it have an error number?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Did you include the FieldPoint configuration when you built the exe and installer?



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Hi RaveansFan:


The error saids it can not find the FieldPoint can nor perform the Read. A read ia one of the first polymorfic vi that is in the program.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11



Yes, I included the FieldPoint configuraion in the exe installer.


I did something else. I wrote a very simple Vi to read only one input and it came up with the same error. The VI was using the FieldPoint IO point.

I modified the same vi but this time using the open FieldPoint vi, create a tag, read vi and closed vi when I exit he vi.  It worked ok, it read the input but after 5 minutes the PC lock up we could not do anything but pull the power off to regain control. No I did not placed any wait time in it.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

My guess is that you don't have either the latest fieldpoint drivers installed on the fieldpoint.  Or the latest drivers installed on your PC.


First, make sure the latest drivers are installed on the PC.  Then check out the embedded software on the Fieldpoint from within MAX and see if the Fieldpoint driver level is the latest and matches.


These two links might help.

Software Installation Compatibility for FieldPoint Real-Time Controllers

LabVIEW Ccompatibility

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11


I am working on building datalogging and supervisory control on host computer for compact fieldpoint (cFP).while creating IO server in project explorer,i got only two options- modbus server and EPICS server. my question is ,are there only these two IO servers for building DSC application using cFP? what are the other options if exist?




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Message 7 of 11
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hello VKS:


Your question is not related to this post. This post is for a FP1000 FieldPoint.

Your would get a better respond to your question if you create your own post.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11
Accepted by topic author Toro



I found the problem and the solution.

The problem it was related to the serial port. The reason for the issue of the new exe file not working and the PC locking up was do to the the fact that once the new program starter it continuosly was talking to the FieldPoint causing a stack over flow wich in turn locked the PC.

The solution for this was a simple one use a USB (TrendNet TU-S9) to Serial adapter. Now the new program and the PC are working perfectly. 


Thanks to all for the responds.             

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Message 10 of 11