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Flexlogger fails to close tdms file



I have flexlogger both recording data from a series of digital inputs at 50kHz as well as controlling a motor system via an analog output; both cards in a cDAQ chassis. When I only record data with the system sitting still, I am able to import the tdms files into excel and matlab without any issue. But if I utilize the motor controller, every tdms file fails to import to either matlab or excel. I have a growing suspicion that the tdms is failing to close properly or not properly writing a header. I am using TDMS_reader for matlab and I am getting both the 'catastrophic error' and the 'Unexpected lead in header' errors. When I import into excel it is a -2503 error.





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Message 1 of 8

Hello there


To help us better diagnose what might be going on, would you provide us with some additional information on the version of FlexLogger you're using and if you're able to successfully open this file in DIAdem. Another thing you could try is to delete the .tdms_index file and see if that fixes the problem


Shruti Shirhatti

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 8

FlexLogger 2019 R3 Build

I am able to open the tdms in DIAdem

Removing the _index file still leads to an "Unexpected lead in header" in matlab from https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/30023-tdms-reader

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Thanks for that information. Was import into Excel successful when you removed the _index file or did that fail as well?

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Message 4 of 8

It was not, when I import to excel i get the following error in the log file:


***************** New logfile section *******************
TDMS: ERROR: TDS Exception in Initialize: Tds Error: TdsErrNotTdsFile(-2503):



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Message 5 of 8

Now after deleting the _index file, DIAdem is no longer able to open the tdms file. Same error as listed above for the excel import

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Message 6 of 8

We are trying to reproduce the issue on our end. A few more things that could help us would be any additional information on what your logging configuration looks like in FlexLogger, and also the version of the TDM Excel Add-In you are using

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Message 7 of 8

Would you also be able to describe your exact workflow for how you import your file? A few examples of different workflows in Excel would be 

  • Launch Excel, Create a new empty file in Excel, then use the TDMS file importer in Excel via Add-Ins > Import TDM File
  • Launch Excel, open the TDMS file via File > Open (file filter set to "Any Files")

If its possible to send us the corrupted file you're trying to import, that would be very helpful too


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Message 8 of 8