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Labview 2013 project using G# crashing when built

It was not my intent to be so definitive about not using the project explorer. It has its advantages, as you point out. And everyone will find their own best way of working, it may depend on project, preference or other circumstances. What would have been better to say is: If strange errors or behavior occurs, keep in mind that it could be the project (explorer) thats causing it. Thats something of a note to myself too. In fact, Mattias list in addition to other tips in this thread should be a (mental) checklist to anyone working with LabVIEW, at least on larger projects.

For every project or new LV-version I start using the project explorer, but I always stop using it after a while either because some odd behaviour (will explain below) arise and I scratch my head for hours until I find out that its because loading the project through the project explorer is causing this, or I get fed up with the insane overhead that the explorer adds when working with it (which is partially solved by only adding the classes you need to work on for the moment to the project, as Mattias mentioned).

I cannot recall an example for the odd behaviour I'm talking about now, and it always happens the day before a release or so, so there is no time for examining or reporting, especially since its most often a complex error which is hard to minimise. My feeling about it though is that there are some remnants of the initial issues of the project explorer that still remain and can occur in certain circumstances.

Some more good tips have come up in this thread. Perhaps its time to compile a list of them. Building the exe from a source-code distribution helped me once. Another perhaps painful and time-consuming option is to try to break down the main app into a smaller core-app and see if that works. If it does, add some more code/classes to the app and build again to pinpoint what code causes the crash.


Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 11 of 13

Hello Everyone,

Wow, so much discussion about this problem. Thanks a lot for your help.

I did try a source code distribution, and it's working correctly to distribute the code. I've actually used it to send an example of a project that wasn't working to the people at NI without them having to mess with loading libraries from the VI package manager. Unfortunately, the exported project has the exact same behavior than the "normal" project. It's working fine in "debug" mode and crashing when I build an exe.

The only thing that made the project build successfully is using the "Export to an older version" option and export the project to Labview 2012. Then, when opened with Labview 2012 and built through it, it works fine. It really must be a bug added in Labview 2013.

I'm going to wait for an answer from the nice people at NI and in the meantime continue to build through Labview 2012.




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Message 12 of 13

I am a collueague of Xavier,

I would add, to answer to one of the comments suggesting to make the excutable debuggable, that when we do that the executable loads but the execution arrow bacomes disabled and the code cannot be executed.

Just to add the latest detail, in case somebody could put us, and NI, for that matter on the right track

Thanks for this nice small community

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Message 13 of 13