GDS(Goop Development Suite)

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GDS Installer for LabVIEW 2014

It looks like you are right Stphen, I can't see the Pull Request either.

The brach I did to fix the Debugger on is called: RepairingTheDebugger

But that's a very old version, so I wouldn't put any efford in putting that in, better to take the whole OpenGDS version 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 42

MikaelH wrote:

better to take the whole OpenGDS version 🙂

I'm open to doing exactly that. Are you willing to post it to the GitHub repo? I could pull it back over and then re-do all the wrapper work for it needed for the NI distribution.

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Message 12 of 42


I’ll push the latest version (1.0.37) up to GitHub today on the OpenGDS repository.

And then I’ll commit that version to a new branch on your repository.

I’m also going to do a video of the new features I’ve added.

(and re-publish the old videos without the Symbio Logos)

E.g. The Interface Support and Converting Java/C# code to LV-classes.

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Message 13 of 42

Hi, I don't mean to thread necro and maybe I haven't searched in the right places, but: I don't see another repo connected to Mikael's on GitHub anywhere.  The PR I'm assuming you're referring to is only a PR from one branch to another, not across forks, and there are no forks and no upstream that Mikael forked from.  I'm wondering because I'd like to see where NI's got their community-viewable code for GDS (Unless it's all just on the sine page?  Or not significantly different enough from openGDS to make a difference?) and also because that would explain the lack of PRs visible on aristosqueue's end, since nothing was actually requested outside Mikael's repo.

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Message 14 of 42

I use OpenGDS exclusively for my 2012 and 2014 projects. I also understand that Mikael planned on migrating this changes back into NIs repo.

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Message 15 of 42

The latest version 1.0.37, has been pushed into NI's Private GDS trunk and is beeing worked on right now.

NI have managed to build it and is now testing it. It should be ready any day now...

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Message 16 of 42

Unfortunately, it crashes VIPM every time I try to install it. I've tried various things and it moves the crash around. I have no idea what's broken. I managed to get one good build of 32-bit, but it didn't repeat clean when I rebuilt the installer. Very frustrating.

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Message 17 of 42

Last time I looked. There were several pre-install actions that Mikael did in the GDS installer that are unecessary if you are using VIPM. So is the crash happening during package building or package installing?

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Message 18 of 42

During package install.

I wanted to put it under a LV debugger to isolate the crash, but VIPM won't point at my debug build of LV any more. I try to modify the Settings.ini file to point to a custom build, but every time VIPM launches, it overwrites the Settings.ini file nowadays. That trick used to work. I have no idea why it stopped working, and I cannot find any other place where the original file is stored.

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Message 19 of 42

Maybe update the settings.ini file to what you want and then set it's read white attribute to read only? At least you know it isn't getting overwritten at that point.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Grant M. Johnson
Project Engineer
LECO Corporation
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Message 20 of 42