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controlling TDS5000 series Oscilloscopes with Labview VISA over ethernet

I am trying to control TDS-5054 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes over a LAN conection using the VISA funtions in LabView 6.1 on my desktop PC. Does a labview driver exists for this application (I have looked...and looked again)?
The scopes have pre-installed TekVISA and VXI-11 server software running.
When I use the Measurement and Automation Explorer to find the scopes over the network at the specified IP address I get this error: 0xBFFF00A7 (VI_ERROR_MACHINE_NAVAIL). Why is the machine not found?
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Message 1 of 5
What exactly are you doing that generates this error? Are you right-clicking on the Devices&Interfaces node and using the Create New... wizard? You should be doing that and then choosing a TCPIP Resource, and then specifying VXI-11. If you are instead using the Remote Systems node, that will indeed generate an error.

If you are entering the VXI-11 information in the correct place, then what LAN device name are you using? If you have not specified one, you may need to enter a name such as "gpib0,1" which some of the Tek VXI-11 devices require.

Dan Mondrik
Senior Software Engineer, NI-VISA
National Instruments
Message 2 of 5
Thanks Dan, this was exactly what I needed. BTW, any idea on how to find a labview driver for the TDS-5K series of Tektronix scopes? I can't find any in Developer Zone but one must exist somewhere. Thanks again.
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Message 3 of 5
Unfortunately, NI does not have a LV driver for any of the TDS5K series scopes... have you tried Tektronix's website? Their LV/CVI driver can be found at http://www.tek.com/site/sw/detail/1,1059,871,00.html.

Katie Rollo
Instrument Drivers/IVI
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 5

@Katie Rollo wrote:
Unfortunately, NI does not have a LV driver for any of the TDS5K series scopes... have you tried Tektronix's website? Their LV/CVI driver can be found at http://www.tek.com/site/sw/detail/1,1059,871,00.html. 

Katie Rollo
Instrument Drivers/IVI
National Instruments


LABVIEW AND LABWINDOWS CVI DRIVER FOR TDS5000 http://www.tek.com/oscilloscope/tds5052-software/labview-and-labwindows-cvi-driver-tds5000

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Message 5 of 5