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what is the replacement for "niScope Configure Reference Levels.vi"

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I just upgraded my NI-Scope driver from 3.4 to 3.6 and now the VI, "niScope Configure Reference Levels.vi" is missing from the instr.lib\niScope\Configure\ directory. I found an older version under niScopeObsolete.llb but that version uses DLL calls where the 3.4 version used property nodes. What happened to this VI and where can I find a release note that tells me this functionality was removed?





Charles Chickering
Architecture is art with rules.

...and the rules are more like guidelines
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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Charles_CLA

Hi Charles,


I looked back through the files on record and the earliest version I found of this VI was from about seven years ago (could not find any files before that date). It was located under the \Measurements\Obsolete folder even at that point, and it appears to be the same VI (it calls into the DLL). The next year after, it changed locations to the niScopeObsolete.llb directory. I was unable to find a version that simply contained the property nodes, though you are correct that the functionality is essentially the same. In fact, this is the most likely reason that it is not a top-level function that exists in any of the NI-SCOPE function pallettes, since it is only used in some specific measurements and the exact functionality can be gained through using property nodes.


Are you able to make use of the current version that you found in niScopeObsolete.llb or perhaps just the property nodes without any problems? I am interested in knowing what else was different with the "newer" version that you had with the property nodes. Was the icon and/or documentation of the VI any different? Do you still have that VI that you can attach? I want to make sure that this change has not affected your application beyond the confusion of having the location changed.



Daniel S.
National Instruments
Message 2 of 3

Thanks for checking, I went back and checked the file properties and found that it was created by a member of my team about a year ago and placed in the instr.lib directory. I apologize for the confusion.



Charles Chickering
Architecture is art with rules.

...and the rules are more like guidelines
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Message 3 of 3