[IDLE] CLUG : Cambridge LabVIEW User Group (UK)

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CLUG 19th November

Our next CLUG is on Wednesday 19th November 2014, I hope you're all signed up and ready to enjoy our two great presentations! If you're not signed up yet then don't worry, there's still time to register by emailing Hannah.

Phill Tadman: At MASS Consultants Phill has been using AGILE software development with the JIRA suit of issue tracking software. Phill will present on his experiences using JIRA with LabVIEW and AGILE development strategies.

Steve Eggo: Hardware in the Loop testing. Steve has developed a HITL testing solution at Sphere Medical for one of their applications. We welcome Steve for his first CLUG presentation!

Ben Scarrow: From Domino, Ben will bring his XBox Kinect device and show how it can be hacked to work with LabVIEW for displaying 3D images!

And as usual we'll have an Ask the Experts session where everyone can offer questions and/or conundrums about anything software-related and we'll pitch them to our resident experts!

We start at 13:00, with refreshments from 12:45, at the PTP offices in Toft.

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

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