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61850-9-2LE Getting started

@ThreeLions wrote:

Hi Ben,


Zoe B. is right. For SMV, based on the efforts of development and market strategy, we just declare supporting cRIO-903x and cRIO-906x. However, actually, the capacity of sbRIO-9607,9627,9637 and 9651 are similar with cRIO-906x. I don't think there will be obvious difference between them for running SMV.


Could you please share your code or specific request to me?



I have no code. My questions are prompted from high-level meeting between my people and other people. They have a grand scheme of bringing a new series of products to market and they are asking me to ...



What is great is that you have included the sbRIO's in the mix. Now we are cooking with gas!




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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