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DeviceNet General queries

Hi all,


I have few questions regarding the DeviceNet module and the configuration.


1. I have opened and closed the object reference but the status LED on the PXI Slot is still Blinking ON, where as the same is not observed in NI CAN (8512) module the status LED goes off once the reference is closed.


2. If there is an error -1074388986 I try to close the interface objects (IO and Interface) and when I try to reconnect the error is not cleared until I restart the system.


3. I did some research for the same error and found this KB but the what shall be the Object name? I tried dnet0, can0,DeviceNet1 nothing worked out.


4. I have the DeviceNet connected in slot 5 of 8 slot NI PXIe1062Q, is there anything to consider as we do in cRIOs?


Thanks in advance.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10



Can you confirm you're using the PXI-8532 with the NI-Industrial Communications for DeviceNet driver?


1. Which status LED? The descriptions for both LEDs can be found in the Help file (Start >> National Instruments >> NI-IndCom for DeviceNet Documentation >> NI-IndCom for DeviceNet Help >> (in Help file) DeviceNet Hardware >> Overview

2. The error text suggests another session might be open on the hardware resource. Are you properly closing the Devicenet session(s) in other VIs? Clicking "Abort" in LabVIEW would be an example of not properly closing a session.

3. The KB looks like it is for the previous generation of DeviceNet: NI-DNET

4. Unless slot 5 hasn't been acting suspicious, it's probably fine. If in doubt, try it in a different slot PXI slot.


Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
Message 2 of 10



Thanks for the response.


Yes, I'm using PXI 8532 and DeviceNet driver 2.3. (LabVIEW 2012 SP1).


1. LED 1 is Flashing and LED 2 is Steady ON, according to the description its working correctly. But when I close the reference of DeviceNet the Status LED should go off or should be flashing first LED?


2. In the program the reference are closed correctly. My concern is when the user closes the program in the middle using task Manager the reference is still broken. When I try to communicate again I always get error message and need to restart the system.


3. Okay, thanks for the update.


4. Sounds good, they are working fine.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10



1. when I close the reference of DeviceNet the Status LED should go off or should be flashing first LED?

After close the reference, the bus is idle status. LED1&LED2 will flash green both.


2. My concern is when the user closes the program in the middle using task Manager the reference is still broken

I am not sure about "the reference is still broken". Could you give me a detailed description? And what's the error message.

Besides, why do you need to close the VI by Task Manager? We don't recommend that close VIs by this way during VI running.



Message 4 of 10

Hi ThreeLions,

Thanks for the update.

1. So it's different from CAN module. Hope I have the same once closing the communication reference Led 1 and 2 Flashing.


2. For example, I created an application and running it in a production PC, here in the application I have all the possible way to stop the application (where all the reference are closed). If in case user uses task manager of shuts down the system using power switch. The reference is broken right?


I'm asking this, so that I can add additional case where if the failure occurs I can clear and reinitialize the DeviceNet Programmatically instead of Restarting the system again.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10



1. Yes. Once the bus was started, LED1&LED2 will not off unless outage.

2. If the application was ceased by Task Manager, the reference could not be closed normally. I think you can make a try for your workarond.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10



Thanks for the comments.


2. I would like to know if there's any standard way of doing it. I tried few but only resulted in restarting the PC.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10



I think you can try to deploy your project again after close the application by Task Mamager as follow.



If it still not work, I am afraid there is no other solutions.



Message 8 of 10

Thanks ThreeLions.


My application is on Windows Target hope I don't have much options...

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10


I am sorry I don’t have a better answer for you. After all, close project by the Task Manager is an abnormal behavior.


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Message 10 of 10