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Need to know how Profinet can be supported by Labview and if any code exists

I have four Pressure Transducers which communicate via Profinet. What to know if there exist NI modules can help me acquire data from these Pts and also if there exist any example code that can help me implement this. The NI module should also have Ethernet connection since my code will be resident a lttle away from where these PTs and Ni module will be installed and will communicate via Ethernet connection with the NI module

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Hi Austyno,


NI retails a PROFINET Slave C Series module, but not a master. The DF PROFINET-IO card from Kunbus can act as a master, and has a LabVIEW driver. Perhaps this will meet your need.

Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
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