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Communication between Xbee and LabVIEW VISA

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Hi everyone,

I have a problem with receiving data from xbee s1. my another xbee using arduino transmit the hex type, but I receive the ASCII data in Labview instead of HEX.

I attached my ASCII data which I got and my HEX data from XCTU which I wanted to send.


please help to solve my problem, thank you

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Message 1 of 6

Hi HAS_03,


Thanks for reaching out. Sorry you are having issues. Could you post your VI, and provide more context on what you are trying to do, how you have your system configured, and what you have tried so far? Once we have more information, we might be able you help you out.


Thanks in advance.

Keddy C.
Staff Software Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 6
Accepted by topic author HAS_03

Labview VISA returns a string in UNICODE format. If you want hex data without losses (characters with code 0-32 usually get ignored, because they can't be displayed), right click on your string receiver and click "Hex display" (image below)



or use string to byte array (Programming --> String --> Path/Array/String conversion --> String to Byte Array) to display full data.

Message 3 of 6

Thanks for your instructions, it really works. Thanks🙏🙏

Btw, I have another issue about the time delay when xbee is receiving data. I've got 10-15 seconds delay. Maybe you've other advice or recommendation web to learn more about xbee using labview. Thanks



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Message 4 of 6

I've already fixed my problem, thanks🙏🙏

Btw, I have another issue about the time delay when xbee is receiving data. I've got 10-15 seconds delay. Maybe you've other advice or recommendation web to learn more about xbee using labview. Thanks

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Message 5 of 6



I'm glad you got your issue solved! Unfortunately we don't have any documents on this relationship, but check out these forum posts:



Keddy C.
Staff Software Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 6