Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB Read Error HP4145B



I'm trying to set up my HP4145B semiconductor parameter analyzer (very old device) using labview 2012 and am encountering some issues!  I can successfully send commands to the instrument and it will take measurements, however I cannot get the SPA to output the data to my computer.  I am using the VIs that come with the instrument driver, downloaded at:


and I have isolated the issue to the GPIB Read function within the Data Ouptut VI.  Every time that I try to run the Data Output VI I receive error 6: HP4145 Receive Message.  Using NI-Spy I've figured out that it is a time-out issue, but I don't know how to solve it.  I've attached my NI-spy capture.  


There have been some posts about this a couple years back, but the solutions they came up with consisted of adding a delay between the Send Message and Receive Message VI's, which I have tried, but to no avail.  


Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?? Any advice would be very much appreciated!




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It might very well be an issue with timeout. The instrument will only answer when the entire measurement is completed. Depending on your setup, this can be a long time - much longer than the standard timeout setting of a few seconds. Check how long the measurement takes and set timeout accordingly


Good luck


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