Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB-USB-HS does not work with LabView 8.2

Hi All,


I have recently bought a GPIB-USB-HS and I have got it to communicate with instruments using MAX but LabView 8.2 does not seem to see it as I cannot set the VISA resource name. Normally one sees a list of all the instruments and the com ports but I see nothing here. When I click on refresh nothing happens.


Any help would be most appreciated.




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Hey Julian,


Hmmm. This is an interesting one. I have just grabbed myself a GPIB-USB-HS device, plugged it into my desktop and placed down a VISA open, and sure enough, I get immediate access to my GPIB resources.


GPIB Visa resource names.jpg

As a quick and easy suggestion, please can you ensure that resource filtering set appropriately. You can do this by right clicking on the VISA control/constant and select VISA class >> IO session. I am running LV 2009, so I cant garrentee that the setting will be in the same location in 8.2. But it will be in the menu somewhere!!


In he above image the filtering was set to "Instr" (ie. all instruments.) If I select "GPIB Instr" filtering instead, then my options are reduced.



Please ensure that you have appropriate filtering enabled.

If this does not help, then the fact that you are able to interact with the device in MAX, but not LabVIEW, is indicative that the GPIB driver you have installed is not compatible with LabVIEW 8.2.


For example, the latest version of the NI-488.2 (version 2.8) driver supports

LabVIEW 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 and 2010.

So it wouldnt cover your version of LabVIEW.


HOWEVER... NI-488.2 (version 2.7) supports LabVIEW all the way back to 7.1.1.

I hope this has been useful Julian,

Best wishes,



Rich Roberts
Senior Marketing Engineer, National Instruments
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Link to version of NI-488.2 version 2.7

Rich Roberts
Senior Marketing Engineer, National Instruments
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