Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Hi newbie working with Arduino and VISA

Hi everyone, basically I have the arduino running ROS framework on it, and I need to set up a Labview interface to override the firmware. that part of the firmware code looks like this 

void Tdsae::ak(const std_msgs::Float64ConstPtr &msg)
    std_msgs::UInt16 driverMsg;


and my labview code looks like this,   it seems the labview code failed to override, and I dont really understand why

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Message 1 of 6

Hey alexishiyu, 

Is there a particular reason you are utilizing LabVIEW to override the firmware as opposed to sending text-based commands?

Unfortunately, without seeing the actual ins and outs of what is being sent to and from as VISA commands, it will be a bit hard to diagnose what is going on. 

Finally, I would also like to lead you to the LabVIEW MakerHub, a forum and community dedicated to using LabVIEW with some third-party devices. 

The forum for controlling Arduino (using LINX protocol with LabVIEW) may also be a good place to post your question, as that community is generally a bit more geared towards Arduino/Raspberry Pi/etc.

Tanim I.

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Message 2 of 6

Hi Tanim,

Thanks for your reply! So in Labview I'm sending a string based message, while the string based should have the same format as the message I referenced in the c++ code( so it can override the firmware message)


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Message 3 of 6

So it will be a Uint 16

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Message 4 of 6

Sorry, it will actually look like

{ uint16 a

 uint16 b}, two separate messages in totally, in labview, I simply concate them, but it doesn't look right 

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Message 5 of 6

I think I am a bit confused, are you having issues properly formatting your string?

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