Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Instron 4201 Series IX issue



First of all , I am not a PC or Instron expert!  Was given the task to place a networked PC on our Instron 4201 running Series IX version 8.28.  The new "IT-approved" PC is a Dell Optiplex 755 with Windows XP.  New PC had narrow chassis, so NI GPIB card from old PC would not fit.  Ordered new low-profile NI GPIB card #77825-1, which came with 488.2 version 2.6 software.  Have everything loaded & connected, but I cannot "Stop Test" from the monitor like we could with our old PC.  Button is there and is not grayed out, but I cannot select it with the mouse.  Using the red "STOP" button on the Instron controller works, but kicks you out of communication mode each time.


We also have an Instron 4465 that wil get the same PC change - have not tried this one yet, as I cannot have them both down.  THANKS!!

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Message 1 of 5

Hey OC Mark,


What version of the NI-488.2 driver was installed with your old GPIB card?  Also what is the part number off of the old GPIB card from your old PC?  It sounds as though your application is built around an older version of the driver that 2.6 doesn't completely mesh with.

David Pratt
Group Manager for Application Engineering Specialists | Automated Test
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Message 2 of 5
FInally found & fixed the isssue. There is a "machine type" setting that was not correct after loading the Series IX software on the new PCs.  As I'd said, I'm not an Instron expert.  Thanks!
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Message 3 of 5

I you would please share where you changed the Instron Model,  I am having similar difficulty.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Dear user,
I'm not able to recovery the floppy disks to re-install Series IX software for a Instron universal testing machine.
I was wondering if one of you has such software to share with me. I've already contacted Instron but they are not able to provide a copy.
Thanks in advance
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Message 5 of 5