Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Instrument not displaying in MAX



I work for a lab instruments company which uses a USB to IEEE converter.  Normally in MAX, we see the interface and then an instrument aligned underneath it.  In this one customer's case, it does not .  The software appears to be working because our software sees and controls it. This happens both for a normal domain user and also an administrator.


Any thoughts on what to check ?




John Walsh

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Message 1 of 5

If you did connected the instrument correctly on GPIB bus, and the address is setted well.


No instruments displayed.jpg

Do you try "Scan for instruments"?


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Message 2 of 5



Yes.  Scan for Instruments did not update the display as expected. 





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Message 3 of 5

Disconnect all instruments from the bus then begin attaching one at a time.  After a new instrument is attached, try the Scan for Instruments.  Some GPIB instruments (failing) can lock the bus causing a POLL function to fail.

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Thanks for the reply.  I should have included more detail.  There is a single Interface (interface 0) with a single device connected directly to the converter.  Higher level functions within the software that use the NI driver function as expected - for example, numerical readbacks from the instrument.  It just do not show as expected in the MAX application.



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