Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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OPensuse visa resource name

Hello to all,

I'm using OpenSuse 12.2 for the first time and after some days I am able to open a serial communication without errors.
My board has two Serial ports and they are listed on the visa resource name (and open correctly). But when I plug a usb2Rs232 cable I can't see it on the list. I know that the name is "/dev/ttyACM0".
I also saw that in the past there was "Visaconf" that linked between VisaResourceName and linux name. But I can't find it anymore.
Can anyone give me a tip, please.
Best regards,
Jorge Amaral

Software developer

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Hello Jorge,


Actually, there's an issue by using NI VISA with OpenSuse 12.3 so I wouldn't expect that to work completly  with the previous version.


Since the NI Knoledge Base  specifies an enumeration of /dev/ttyUSB0, you are probably using that. However, the VISA driver only currently recognizes an enumeration of /dev/ttyS* and won't list a device as a serial port otherwise. I think they may have to perform the one of the workarounds listed in the CAR. Namely this involves either adding a binding to visaconf.ini using the visaconf utility or creating a symlink to create a link from /dev/ttyS<num> -> /dev/ttyUSB0 (would have to be done after every reboot)


Best regards.

Sabri JATLAOUI - Certified LabVIEW Architect - Certified LabVIEW Developer
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