Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Tektronix DPO4054B (4000 series) + Agilent 82357B = Trouble??

Hi everyone

I have been running some equipment such as power supplies, etc and a tek 3054b scope using gpib. The controller was a Agilent 82357B USB - GPIB.

I installed the Agilent VISA as the primary and everything worked great in Labview even though I saw no attached instruments in NI-MAX. No big deal as I used the agilent connection expert.

We are in the process of updating the scope to Tek DPO4054B scopes using the lan interface.

Using the same setup, Agilent connection expert could "sense" that there was an lan instrument attached, but it kept failing address check. I could not communicate with the scope at all. The tek apps guy indicated that I should make the NI VISA the primary. I did this and also followed the instructions for enabling the passport and the the 488.2 as documented numerous places.

 Now I can see the equipment attached to the 82357B under miscellaneous VISA resources in NI MAX and I was successful in adding the DPO4054B and can communicate with it. Good news!


The issue I have now is that in Labview, I don't see any visa resources in the drop down list provided by the visa resource name control. I also get a labview error :

Error -1073807344 occurred at VISA Find Resource in DPO capture

when using the VISA Find Resource block. I can manually enter in the addresses in the VISA resource name control and the code functions. I can also drag the address from MAX onto the labview code and that works. Labview just can't see the visa resources automatically.

For troubleshooting purposes I reinstalled the Agilent visa as primary again and once again I can communicate with the scope, but labview has no problems seeing the resources.


Does anyone know how to get this fixed? Somehow I need to get the DPO4054B scope to work with the Agilent VISA  or get labview to see the resources when using NI VISA.


Should I try installing the Agilent Visa as primary and load the Tek VISA as secondary ( if possible)/


Any help would be greatly appreciated.






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Message 1 of 3

Hey there, 


Please refer to the following article to ensure that you have installed drivers correctly.

Another option would be to manually enter the VISA Resource name in LabVIEW

If you do not see any errors here, are you having any problems with MAX? Are you able to open MAX and LabVIEW simultaneously?




DAQ Product Marketing Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Everything is installed correctly...and typing the visa resource is an acceptable solution, but the find resource blocks do not work.

I was able to find a solution though

I installed the Agilent VISA again and made it the primary VISA...this was the way it was before I got the new scope. I then added the lan instrument ( new scope) . I then changed the address of the scope from the web page address to an IP address now perfectly.

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