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Two instances of power supply showing up in MAX



I have two power supply mainframes connected to my PC via ethernet (Keysight N6700C and N6701C). I have set the IP addresses of these devices via telnet to a static IP address. MAX keeps showing me two instances of each mainframe and if I delete one instance it keeps popping up again. There is also a socket associated with each that is showing in MAX and I haven't seen this before. Also, when I update the "hostname" of the device in MAX on the TCP/IP settings tab, it will just revert back to some default name with the format K-N6700C-10529.local


Anyone have an idea of what's going on here? See attached screenshots. Thanks!



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Message 1 of 9

It has been a few years since I worked with them.

Are there modules inside the mainframes or are they empty?

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Message 2 of 9

Good question. Actually, right now there are no modules installed...only the mainframes. Do you think that could be affecting it?

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Message 3 of 9

Actually, there ARE modules installed in both mainframes. 

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Message 4 of 9

@TestEngineer11 wrote:

Actually, there ARE modules installed in both mainframes. 

That should not matter.  The modules in the N6700 series do not show up as different sessions.  They are addressed as part of the message data to the mainframe.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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Message 5 of 9

Yes, this module discussion got us sidelined here.... it doesn't matter. 


Has anyone seen this behavior before and know what may be causing it? Even if I delete the second instance of the power supply mainframe it keeps reappearing. 

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Message 6 of 9

Do you have multiple vendor visa's installed? Like NI Visa and keysight Visa (Io Libraires). If so in Max go into : Tools -> Ni Visa -> Visa Options -> Conflict Manager and disable one of the Visa's and see if this fixes the multiple instruments showing up.

I have seen this with USB instruments where the same instrument shows up twice but one shows the USB vendor and device ids in decimal and the other in hex to differentiate them but they are the same instrument. Not sure if same happens with LAN.


The socket connection is showing up because the instrument has raw socket and HiSLIP or VXI-11 connection.

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Message 7 of 9

Hello, I see the same behavior that there are three instance of one Keysight N6700C mainframe show up in NI MAX when I attach it to a system thought LAN interface. Have you found out how to delete two instances and show only one instance in MAX?

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Message 8 of 9

Hi, I didn't install multiple vendor VISA in my system.

The Keysight N6700C supports HiSLIP SCPI Service, VXI-11 SCPI Service and Sockets SCPI Service. So I believe the three N6700C instances are matched with the three SCPI Services.

Then I have tried to disable the HiSLIP and VXI-11 SCPI Services through its front panel. But the NI MAX still shows three N6700C instances like following figure. The behavior is a little different with the original. I don't know why this behavior happened. Do you have any thoughts about how to remove the instances of VXI-11 and Sockets SCPI Services? (We can right click the instance and delete it, but it will appear again when I refresh the NI MAX. And this is not my expected result.)




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Message 9 of 9