Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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USB-GPIB communication with spectrum analyzer

Hello All,


I should automatize laboratory.

Actualy, i need to create VI that have all major functions of specrum analyzer.

Spectrum analyzer is Rhode&Schwarz FSP. Doc in att.

Communicatin should be done via Profilogix GPIB - USB  controller. Doc in att.


Because this area is compleatly new for me, i would like to ask you, if somebody can advise me how i can start with this?

I already asked Rhode&Schwarz for some example, but they hdon't have it...

Also, because PC will communicate over USB, is it ok to use VISA functions?


Thank you very much for support. 

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Message 1 of 13


You can start with the visa functions used by R&S in their driver for the normal GPIB card from NI.

But you have to adapt all communication for the prologix card.

Good luck, cheaper in this case means spend a lot more time.

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 2 of 13

First, try using this Prologix front-end that I created.  Next, If the Rhode & Schwartz system is SCPI compliant, then you should be all set.

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Message 3 of 13



I tried your front-end, and device respond on *idn? . This is OK.


I created new one, to enter some query, but VI throus an error.

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before completion of the operation.

Part of code with *idn? works just fine.


Can you please check, what I made wrong, and give me some directions?


Thank you.

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Message 4 of 13

Assuming that you followed the direction in the Prologix setup, did you set the language to SCPI for the spectrum analyzer?


Search for SCPI in your attached manual.  This should allow the everything to work properly and permit your query to respond properly as defined in section 6.8 of the manual.

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Message 5 of 13



I manage to set up basic parameters of spectrum analyser. in att.


Now, i need to get measurement signal from analyser to PC as CSV file. Can someone advise steps regarding this?

Is it possible to get measure signal on scope in VI?


Best regards.

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Message 6 of 13

If the spectrum analyzer is now setup properly, now comes the easy part. 

How would you manually manipulated the instrument to arrive at the desired results?  Compare those steps with the available SCPI commands/queries to get the necessary results.  Once the commands/queries are set now you need to arrange the data into the desired output format.

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Message 7 of 13

Hello again, 


i definitly stuck here...

yes, analyser is set correctly, but how i understand, my prologix controller should pass control to analyser, and then analyser is capable to send measurment data.. This i didn't manage to do.

Can someone tell me how to do this...?



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Message 8 of 13

Actually, you need to perform the following:

  1. Send Configuration Commands to Analyzer
  2. Send Trigger Configuration to Analyzer
  3. Send Trigger or trigger condition (Signal captured when trigger on positive slope at 5Vdc)
  4. Send *OPC? (Wait for completion query)
  5. Read response, when response is returned as completed then continue else repeat step 4
  6. Send query request to instrument for data
  7. Read data
  8. Perform next step based upon your requirements
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Message 9 of 13



thanks for the procedure... this is very helpful to me..


But I stacked at point 4.

When I send *OPC? I should read value 1 if previous task is completed.

Instead of this, I get error in read...Please check attachment.

Additional, analyser should show captured scope, and it doesn't show anything.

Can you advise how to solve this?


Also, when I send just *TRG it works fine, 1 is read...And there is also captured scope on analyser.

In att. HP Analyser


Best regards.

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Message 10 of 13