Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Use of the GPIB-usb adaptor cord.

I am using a Fluke 8845A and  Keithley 2000 multimeter. When I open up the example folder and attempt to use the example to take the measurements I want (a voltage) I get a particular error. Error -1073807346. The example program will not recognize either multimeter, I have the appropriate up to date drivers for both devices and VISA. Any advice?

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Message 1 of 7

Have you tried to scan for instruments in MAX first? Take note of the resource names of any instruments it finds. In the example programs, be sure to set the resource name to the proper alias before you run it.



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
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Message 2 of 7

OH man I'm so exctied this could be a solution. Where do I find this "max?"

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Message 3 of 7

"MAX" is the Measurement and Automation Explorer that comes bundled with the DAQmx, GPIB and VISA drivers and tools. It is similar to Agilent IO. It enumerates and gives you some control over all the devices connected to your computer. You should get familar with this tool to better understand instrument interfacing, control and troubleshooting. If the instrument does not show up in MAX, don't bother trying to control the instrument, work the connection issue first. Max also enumerates all the equipment and helps you alias the instrument handles to something meaningful instead of a cryptic name or identifier. If you installed any of the drivers above, you should have MAX showing up on the desktop.

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Message 4 of 7

I got into MAX, and it appears that It auto scans for instruments, the multimeter in question is not being scanned. It appears there is a connection problem between the two devices, and I'm not sure how to solve it, The multimeter tells me the GPIB port is on and the Adress it is feeding into is pin 16, and finally the language used is SCPI.

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Message 5 of 7

What is the exact make and model of your GPIB controller? What exactly happens when you explicitly select scan for instruments? Are neither instruments being detected? Take a screen shot and attach it (PNG file - not bmp!)


And what can you possibly mean by 'feeding into is pin 16'?


p.s. All of this should have been done when you installed the controller. If it's an NI controller, the getting started instructions walk you through all of this.

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Message 6 of 7

NI-Max will only display NI devices.


You would be better served to see if your instrument is listed in VISA Interactive

(Start -> All Programs -> National Instruments -> VISA -> VISAInteractive Control)


If it lists GPIB0::INSTR, then your GPIB-USB Interface is recognized.

(If you do not see GPIB0::INSTR, then you should run the appropriate GPIB driver tools to see if your device can see the instrument. If not, please tell us the the exact make and model of your GPIB-USB Interface and the version of the GPIB driver you have installed).


If it also lists GPIB0::16::INSTR, then your Keithley model 2000 was found

(if not, check that the instrument has GPIB enabled ON and the address is set to 16, also check that your GPIB cable is connected from your GPIB-USB Interface to the instrument).


If it also lists another GPIB::xx::INSTR, then yur Fluke model 8845A was found at address xx

(if not, check that the instrument has GPIB enabled ON and the address xx is set to something like 17....make sure it is not set to 0 or 16, also check that your GPIB cable is connected from your GPIB-USB Interface to the instrument).



Also, can you tell us exactly what example are you executing and from which file or driver was this found?



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Message 7 of 7