Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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VISA control of TDS2002B Scope

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We use Fluke METCAL for calibrating. 


Using WinXP Pro (updated SPs) I was able to configure and use a USB based TEK TDS1002(A) O-Scope with VISA after updating the VISA portion of NI-MAX.


Now I received a TEK TDS2002B Scope, but when I plugged it in the USB port, the initial ballon at the bottom of the screen mentions a TDS2002B, but it auto configures for a "Digital Still Camera" and of course I could not see the device in NI-MAX.


Using MAX HELP, I downloaded a tktds1k2k_Setup.exe when ran says I need the IVI Compliance Package.  So IVI Compliance installed, tktds1k2k_Setup installed with no errors indicated.


However still loads as a "Still Camera".  Uninstaled via Device Manager and then following steps on about configuring a "Logical Name" under IVI in MAX, still no Scope that I can communicate with.


So I need some help in being able to use the TEK TDS2002B in NI-MAX, then it should show up in me METCAL procedure.


Hopefully I gave enough information...




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Message 1 of 3

There are instructions in the manual for correctly installing the scope as a USBTMC device. And it says that if you do not see that windows is installing software for USBTMC, you did not correctly install the software from the Tek CD.


The driver that you downloaded from NI has absolutely nothing to do with the scope being recognized as USBTMC.

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author StanL




That was a close answer, but to me the 1000 and 2000 series should be close to the same for what I amy doing that I was trying to figure out what I did differently for 2000 series that I did for the 1000 series.


And this is what notes are for, change the USB setting in the Utility of the Scope from Printer to Computer.




Thanks anyway Dennis, have a good day.



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