Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Dear specialists,


I am a student electrical engineering and i am working on a hobby project.


This project involves a serially controlled unit for controlling servo's, and ofcourse

I would like to control these via Labview (7.1).


The controller responds to simple serial signals, to send the first servo to it's middle position I

should send the decimal numbers 255 0 127, according to the manual. I works with it's own

software so there's no hardware problem. For more info see this manual page 9.



I would like to send these signals via the basic serial read and write VI, but after many hours

of trying and googling I still can't get it working.


When I send these signals via the program Realterm with the button 'send numbers' it works.


Someone else with the same problem in VB has found the solution on another forum , maybe

it's usefull to you.



Thank you very much for your help,



Student Elec.Eng.

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Message 1 of 4

And did you change the LabVIEW example to send the data in the correct format? You would need to right click on the string control and select hex display. Then, using your example, enter FF 00 7F. If you did not change the format, you were sending the character 2, the character 5, etc.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author Student_ElecEng


I did not change the format, I am not very experienced with serial communications,

so I didn't had a clue where tot begin.


I am going to try this evening,


Thanks very much!



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Message 3 of 4



You were right, it worked, sorry for my late reaction.(exam period)



Thank's for your help!





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