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short cut menu


Is there a wy to edit a short cut menu from a control / indicator via scripting


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Message 1 of 6

What do you mean by "Short Cut". You can access the Short Cut settings, that you can define in the properties dialog via property nodes (not even vi-scripting).

If you are talking about the IDE, then the only settings to shortcuts that I know of are in Tools -> Options ... -> Short Cuts ? (well in German it is "Menüverknüpfungen", should be underneath print and path).


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Message 2 of 6


The idea is that I can write, when the progarm is in the run state, a short cut menue depending on the program state into the short cut menue of the control

I mean the short cut menue with the right mouse click when the VI is running

I hope that's make it clear

I found nothing to do that

it seams to me that I can only do the in die edit mode of a VI


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Message 3 of 6

The event structure has a Shortcut Menu Activation? event which is triggered when you right click a control. The event returns a reference to the menu which you can use with the menu primitives to modify the menu.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 4 of 6

That would be the right-click menu, with Short-Cut I was assuming a Key Combination. In which case you could use the Key down or the Key down? events. You could implement this on the control/indicator or the VI level.

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Message 5 of 6

Thanks for your help

I learned again some think about LabVIEW



Now I found the example

Run-time Shortcut Menus.VI

This Vi is the solution to my problem

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Message 6 of 6