LabVIEW Channel Wires

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Interesting Bug/Crash

I was trying to reproduce one of the intriguing VIs that AQ had posted on the thread having to do with Wire Appearance.  I had a VI with a Channel In, Channel Out, saved as a sub-VI, then I exited LabVIEW.  I realized I'd saved it in the "wrong place", so I moved its folder to another location.  When I reopened it, I got lots of errors of the form Find the VI Named "".  If I "Cancel"ed through them all, my VI eventually opened with a "missing VI" symbol adjacent to my Channel In and Channel Out controls.  So I right-click on the missing Reader, do a Create Reader, and get the all-too-familiar "We apologize for the inconvenience" pop-up.  The message says DAbort 0x6AD83CCC in objmsg.cpp.  Of course, I send to NI.

Bob Schor

P.S. -- this Forum has giant-sized 10pt type, takes about 1.5 screens full width, compared to LabVIEW forum where the type looks smaller.  Is this adjustable somewhere?  I have to scroll to find the Submit button ...

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Message 1 of 20

Followup -- I was able to delete the missing Pipe VIs, add them back in, and repair the VI without error.


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Message 2 of 20

If you right-click on the missing endpoints (and have installed the right-click popups) you should be able to select "Create Missing Endpoint". If you tried that and it didn't work, please let us know.

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Message 3 of 20

I found and executed resource\ChannelPopupMenuItems\InstallChannelPopupMenuItems.  I stopped and then restarted LabVIEW 2015.  When I open my "broken" VI, the right-click pop-up menu for the missing Endpoints looks the same as before, namely nothing resembling "Create Missing Endpoint".

Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 20

I'm still "stuck" (there's more information from me about this in AQ's Favorite Channel document).  I just looked at the LLBs in resource\ChannelPopupMenuItems -- ProbeChannel, InsertChannelReplicate, CreateChannelEndpoint, ConvertLoopToPipeline, and ConfigureChannelEndpoint.  There is no CreateMissingEndpoint, which might explain why I don't see it ...

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Message 5 of 20

Alright, it looks like the original code filtering for endpoints was a bit too strict. Here is a version that works for me with VIs sent from others. Replace the version in your LabVIEW 2015\resource\plugins\PopupMenus\edit time panel and diagram directory.

An updated version to install was uploaded later in this thread.

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Message 6 of 20

Doesn't fix it for me...  My diagram stil thinks it is just a missing VI and not an endpoint.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 7 of 20

Can you send me the VI or a snippet of the endpoint that isn't working so I can try it?

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Message 8 of 20

Sth: I reminded Dragis that there's this *other* operating system that he needed to consider. He's working on a further fix. 🙂

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Message 9 of 20

Here is the snippet I used.  It also has the problem of "Compiler" error.  If I delete either of the two loops on the right, the VI compiles.  If I have them both in, then I get a compiler error.  (Yes, I know there is a problem with stopping this VI).  This was just elucidating for me timing issues.  And yes this is the non-penquin "other" platform....


compile snippet.png

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 10 of 20