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Problem with sending Master header with XNET API instead of CAN Frame API

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Hi nice guys,


 I'm trying to use the XNET APIs to set Master task to Slave with LIN protocol. As I have no Experience before, there's something problem like the Interface of the NI USB-8476S can't be detected. The prompted windows presents following infomation:

Error -1074384758 occurred at XNET Create Session (Signal Output Single-point).vi:1

Possible reason(s):

NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF6308A) The interface name given does not specify a valid and existing interface. Solution: Use a valid and existing interface. These can be obtained using MAX, XNET system properties, or the LabVIEW XNET Interface IO name. If you are using CompactRIO, refer to the topic "Getting Started with CompactRIO" in the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Help.


but in the NI MAX, the device is detected as "LIN0". Even the interface input control in the NI examples shows the error. But if I take the CAN Frame API, it works well.

Does anyone have some idea. I'm so preciate. Tanks in advance.


best regards


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Accepted by topic author Krapfen

Dummy me, find out that the XNET API even dont support the NI USB-8476s,which I'm applying. 

Kind of tough to use the NI CAN API to get the function I need, which seems like easy to get with the XNET API.


Problem Solved!

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