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Creating Filters in FPGA

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to Labview compact RIO.I am using a cRIO Real time 9024 and FPGA 9113 with 2 output modules 9263 and 1 input module 9220.

I am designing a logging and controller application in RT - FPGA. I designed filters in Matlab (see attached files) and I am trying to implement them in Labview FPGA. I tried using the Digital Filter Design toolkit with the pole-zero placement vi and generate a FPGA code to create my filters. But the pole zero placement VI doesn't allow me to places poles or zeros with negative imaginary part. The idea is to measure 6 input and aplly filters to 2 quantities and log the data in a TDMS file.

I have attached my project. I have added two discrete transfer function in the real time but i prefer, if it is possible, to place the filters in the FPGA.

What can I do to resolve that issue ? Any other way to implement these filters in Labview via transfer function for example?

Thank you in advance,


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Hi Fares,

There is a function block in the FPGA control palette which allows the creating of discrete transfer functions with up to 10 orders (or around that) so this may work for you.

The esiest thing to set it up is to use the conversion VI in the FPGA interface palette which will take a normal discrete transfer function and convert it to the form that function expects.



James Mc
CLA and cRIO Fanatic
My writings on LabVIEW Development are at
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