LabVIEW Embedded

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Creating VI for MCB2300 to read digital input



I am a student working on a project to use embedded Labview (2009) on a MCB2300 (LPC2378) to do multiple tasks. I have some experience in Labview, but I am a fast learner. I was able to get the board to produce an LCD response to the potentiometer, using my PC's computer as the controller.


I eventually want the microcontroller running an embedded VI to read signals in and produce outputs.  I was able to create a new target for the LPC2378 and view all the elemental I/O's that go with the chip.


Right now I am stuck on calling the Microcontroller's I/O's in Labview. For right now, I want to apply a test voltage with an external PS to one of my input pins on the microcontroller and have it respond by producing some message on the LCD (or spitting out a signal on some other output pin). I have the chip grounded properly.


I don't need help on the LCD callout so much as I need help on getting the microchip's I/O's working. There are so many sub VI's provided by Kiel that I don't really know where to begin.


If anybody can steer me in the right direction or even show me an example VI that uses the microcontroller's pins, I am sure I could pick it up and go from there.




Let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks for your time.






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There are few examples for the MCB2300.

Have a look to this directory:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\examples\lvemb\ARM\MCB2300\DIO


I hope it will help you.


Yann C.


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Hi Mark,


Many of these examples can be accessed via the NI Example Finder. To open the Example Finder, go to Help»Find Examples.... When the Example Finder loads, browse to Toolkits and Modules»ARM»Keil. There are a few folders in that directory that have some great examples that can get you on your way.


Aaron P

National Instruments

Applications Engineer

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