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Using the StellarisWare I2C VIs (LM3S8962)

Has anyone had any success using the StellarisWare I2C VIs and the LM3S8962 Eval Board?  For my specific application, I'm trying to communicate between 2 eval boards (1 master, 1 slave).  It doesn't seem that this is something that I can set up with the stock NI I2C ARM VIs.  I've been banging my head against this for a while and I can't seem to figure out how to pass data between the two controllers.  I've got pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines.  I've tried scoping the SCL pin, but it never changes value.


Here is my best guess at working code.  Any advice would be greatly appriciated.


Master CodeNOTE:  I added I2C0_MASTER_BASE to the ulBase ring constant because it wasn't there by default.  It has a value of 0x4002.0000

Master I2C Snippet.png


Slave Code:

Slave I2C Snippet.png

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Message 1 of 5

Hi psears,


I haven't been able to track down any StellarisWare I2C LabVIEW examples. These VIs appear to almost directly map the lower level functions, so the most relevant documentation may be the text-based StellarisWare examples that TI has posted on their website. This forum has a post which links to those examples.

Kind regards,  

Fred Visser -- SystemLink R&D -- National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

There is a free Cortex M0 and M3 IDE named CoIDE, it provide components and examples for many M0 and M3 chips including LM3S8962, may be you can use their tools. Their website is:, there many source on that site, too.

Hope this can be helpful to you!

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Message 3 of 5


Have you try to debug with µVision. You can check all registers of your target and you could see if something is not right.

Have a look to this code and try to implement it:

Working Example: I2C

Bests regards,


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Message 4 of 5

Hi psears,


Did you manage to get this working? Im attempting a similar thing and finding it quite difficult to get operational. 


Kind regards

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Message 5 of 5