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Allow removal of single frames in a flat sequence while keeping the contents intact.

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 7 kudos within 7 years after posting will be automatically declined.

Given a multiframe flat sequence, there is sometimes the need to remove one of the frames because it is not needed. This is currently hard.


We can add frames, merge frames, insert frames, and remove the entire frame structure, but if we try to remove a single frame, it drags it's entire contents with it to neverland.


IDEA: When removing a frame of a flat sequence, the code should stay, just the frame should disappear.


This is a more natural operation. Deleting the code first or later if desired is trivial.


(Originally I was only thinking of edge frames (Inner frames can already simply be merged). Another option would be to split the existing sequence into two sequences if an inner frame is removed. Would that be useful too? Maybe!)

1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 7 kudos within 7 years after posting will be automatically declined.