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Correlate Components in Project with Components in Filesystem

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 5 kudos within 5 years after posting will be automatically declined.

I have an evolutionary project which has many VIs and CTLs on disk which are no longer called by the project.


It would be fantastic if there were an option in the project manager to highlight or list files which are in the project but which were not called by any other component of the project.


For my application, for example, there would only be one single top-level VI and any other "parentless" VIs should be deleted from the project (or, even better, they could optionally be deleted from the filesystem).


One might even be able to compare all the components in a project with all the components in a given directory structure and highlight the differences such that unused files could be removed.


The discovery of Auto-populating Virtual Folders in the project manager was fantastic, in that I no longer had to file my VIs in the file structure AND the project, but and extension to this might be the ability to highlight files which are not called by any other VI in the project.



Proven Zealot

You can right-click on the root level .lvproj item in the Project Window and select "Find Items with No Callers". Is this what you're looking for?


I should have clarified: "Find Items with No Callers" makes it relatively easy to remove uncalled items from the project, in that the items can be clicked, which takes you into the project, from which we can just hit delete.


My emphasis is on deleting many files from the filesystem. Find Items with no Callers is a step in the right direction, in that it tells me where the files are, but we can't export the list, or do anything with it.

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 5 kudos within 5 years after posting will be automatically declined.


I had found an alternative. The project file allows me to create a new source distribution. The source distribution only contains the files which are called by the project. The only problem to solve is to add in the any files which are called dynamically. Fortunately, there weren't many.
